Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget

As I sit here looking out my window I can see our flag waving on the North end of our football stadium.  I was reading tweets today about remembering 9-11, did a tweet myself, which I really did mean, but just have not been able to quit thinking about it.  

What struck me as I watch our students file through the hallways is that they really are too young to have lived through it, and remember it.  I even asked a student if they remembered anything about it, or the significance of it, and the honest answer was "No, I really don't".  

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, can't be mad at the students.  It makes me disappointed in our educational system.  Maybe we have not done as good of a job as maybe we could have of teaching the pride we should feel as Americans.  We can't teach them to Never Forget what they don't know about. Sure, it impacts you more when you were able to have more of a memory of an event, but this was the beginning of a time that changed our nation, and the world.  

I admit I have more respect and admiration for the flag than I did when I was 18 years old.  That's part of the maturing process.  I know I didn't pause back in the late 1970's, like I do now every time the National Anthem is played, and in my mind honor those who fought to protect my freedom.  I feel a deep respect for the color guard as they file past me on Friday night's at the football game.  There are 70-80 year old men who fought in a world war and helped to give us the freedoms we enjoy today.  

I guess all I'm asking is that while we enjoy our freedoms we also Never Forget the people who fought, and died, to protect those freedoms and allow us to live in the greatest country on earth.  Some paid the ultimate sacrifice 12 years ago when they went to work just like any other die.  Heroes responded on Sept. 11, 2001 in New York City.  A friend of mine put it so well in a tweet today:  "12 years ago--3,000 ppl were killed b/c someone oceans away who they had never met or even heard of had a grudge against the US." (Thanks Scott Rucker).

Those of you that are old enough know where you were.  It was that big of an impact.  If you're too young to remember, know that when the flag waves, there have been many people that you don't even know that fought to protect it.  I'd encourage to search your media outlets, like You Tube, to learn more about it if you don't remember.

Our conflicts have changed a bit since the last world war, but the fight that wages now is still one that is protecting our county and freedoms.  That change started, in my mind, on 9-11-01.  I believe we're stronger as a nation now as a result of that day, but I hope we can also teach every generation about that day a little bit better too so it just doesn't become a day in a history book.

(Below is a picture of 9/11 memorial lights representing the Twin Towers, New York)

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Here's one story, 13 minutes and 29 seconds long, that I just saw today.  There were thousands of stories from that day.  Thank you to all who sacrificed on that day.  I've rambled a bit, but I do feel a bit shaken today as I remember, and hope that I Never Forget.  

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