Monday, September 23, 2013

The Little Things

Had some windshield time again this weekend.  I typically start thinking about writing at different times throughout the week, constantly on the look out for things that inspire me and make me say "Wow".  I got to thinking over the weekend though, that sometimes it's not the "Wow" moments that maybe are the most impressive.  

Sure, the Wow moments are special.  We know when God has been involved, we can see what He's done, and it just puts us in awe.  But then I got to thinking how awesome it is to know that He's at work even in the small moments, and the little things that we sometimes take for granted.

This weekend we went to take a few things to AJ in Fremont.  We got to spend a few hours eating, laughing at, and with, Parker, and being together before AJ's schedule gets busy in a week with the start of basketball practice at Midland University.  I got to see a couple of Midland players come into the little diner we were eating at on Sunday morning, and call him "Coach Gordon".  That was a proud moment.  Maybe a little thing, but as I thought later, thankful that God has put AJ in the position to be called Coach.

We got to stop and see my sister and brother in law in Atlantic.  Rod had to spend 6 days in the hospital with some pneumonia issues.  He was in good spirits yesterday, we got to sit out in a waiting room with him and visit for an hour and a half or so.  Parker got to spend time with one of his secret girl friends, and we got to be entertained by that.  An hour and a half just talking with family.  A little thing, but something we don't get to do enough.  Rod got to go home today, I know the little things to some of us, like just being able to go outside, sleep in our own bed, and eat a meal at home are sometimes taken for granted.  I know Rod is thankful to have those back and to be home.  (Continued strength Rod)

How about little things like safe travel, going to work at a place you enjoy, being able to be outside on a fall day.  Little things?  Yes, but you know what?  God's just as big there as He is in the big moments when we really seem to need and want Him to show up.  It's great comfort to know that He's just as much there in the little things.  Enjoy those and look for His blessings there too.  My guess is you won't be disappointed.

Be Blessed!

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